Get Activity

Get Activity

Retrieves the activity for the currently loaded wallet with optional filtering on type and paging support.

Method: activity

Input parameters:

fromIndexNumberNoStarting index (used for splitting the results into pages).
countNumberNoNumber of results to fetch. By itself, this parameter is useful for fetching only the recent history, but combined with fromIndex this parameters enables fetching results in pages.
typeNumberNoType of the activity to fetch as a number. See below.
orderByStringNoOrdering method of requested data. Can be "insertedTimestamp", "timestamp" or "blockheight". Default is "insertedTimestamp".
descendingBooleanNoOrdering direction of requested data, set to "true" for descending order. Default is ascending order.
walletStringNoBase58 Primary Wallet address in case multiple wallets are being used.

Activity Types

100TransactionReceivedA transaction has been received. (Destination address belongs to the currently loaded wallet.
101TransactionSentA transaction has been sent from the currently loaded wallet.
200MiningRewardA mining reward has been received by the currently loaded wallet.
201StakingRewardA staking reward has been received by the currently loaded wallet.
202TxFeeRewardA transaction fee reward has been received by the currently loaded wallet.
300ContactRequestA contact request has been received.


  • activity details are returned as a JSON object and the error field is set to null:


RPC_INTERNAL_ERRORAn unknown error occurred in the node. Please check the node log for details.


GET http://localhost:8081/activity

  "result": [
      "seedHash": "Ab7Bkj6gj6Bm5WukZVeptezz2oLEhLcBDXehZQ583aEuTdb+n78AQzGqRqZFYZkO",
      "wallet": "4iMKArchGjmLsZFsj2tYrBgPjjypvEwquB2pnbEvYAyihSeEi1FN5XBsWru2iKDXK",
      "from": "1ixianinfinimine234234234234234234234234234242HP",
      "toList": "||4iMKArchGjmLsZFsj2tYrBgPjjypvEwquB2pnbEvYAyihSeEi1FN5XBsWru2iKDXK:/tkU||5DY8ZF2Y1xbB2n7V7c3z8pcAoLAsScAVAiZdcnqBPbLuGHiq9RWamn83hautJvEoy:ZEwj||4C62hPSVNHTXe4aMtgoFYZ3KVCNXmkCr7MmJRprWukvtUSWTsMsm6UaPLqmiVtnh1:7tI/||4L5vswa8yS9VKsZzDJ2ry9gWY7KQon5bkvhG1CUuepkwvcy1xQmLsHA9DPmCDbufr:mDW5AA==",
      "type": 201,
      "data": "APyudjHAmnhQfZitq5BY8vgA1PboOXgm10RmMaeGWaHiltRiQdXyrWoA4pE9OKTq",
      "value": "0.01366526",
      "timestamp": 1709254781,
      "status": 2,
      "blockHeight": 30383,
      "txid": "stk-30377-30382-HBEF6nRAb4qudWecJQnopZCfseUGYXp2KKVvpcbCNYZSAmqCTw4cpcqN7aN5",
      "id": "EvniSJUZje4PU46HAqybNoQpZ8mKrpUULcY6oniijR3XehRovo9TSw2fBBMG"
  "error": null,
  "id": null