Applied Transaction List

Applied Transaction List

Returns the list of applied transactions in the memory pool.

Method: txa

Input parameters:

fromIndexNumberNoStarting index (used for splitting the results into pages).
countNumberNoNumber of results to fetch. By itself, this parameter is useful for fetching only the recent history, but combined with fromIndex this parameters enables fetching results in pages.


RPC_INTERNAL_ERRORAn unknown error occurred in the node. Please check the node log for details.


  • success: applied transaction list JSON-encoded in the result field with the error field set to null
  • fail: JSON encoded details with a non-null error and a null result


GET http://localhost:8081/txa

  "result": {
    "11-284bKK4GvGV9stfEGqu1CP4A9T3tTzrbkUsUd2JestPVE3KDPM5Um7sn3Dfv4": {
      "id": "11-284bKK4GvGV9stfEGqu1CP4A9T3tTzrbkUsUd2JestPVE3KDPM5Um7sn3Dfv4",
      "version": 7,
      "blockHeight": "11",
      "nonce": "313950",
      "signature": "54b6315260a94dfec40...a166a16472040dae03",
      "pubKey": "JHgSS7hbUNnYWsXgTbs2...5i2EPPWjtyTRYRN",
      "timestamp": "1711936575",
      "type": "0",
      "amount": "500000.00000000",
      "applied": "12",
      "checksum": "c81b2017498e7c838d1d2d960c80e2c18a102959680414dd37ef143bcc777d7796b171d873683f93425a91fd",
      "from": {
        "1": "500000.01000000"
      "to": {
        "4L5vswa8yS9VKsZzDJ2ry9gWY7KQon5bkvhG1CUuepkwvcy1xQmLsHA9DPmCDbufr": "500000.00000000"
      "fee": "0.01000000",
      "totalAmount": "500000.01000000"
  "error": null,
  "id": null