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Ixian network protocol

Network message encoding

Ixian encodes multibyte data in the network message with the little-endian ordering. This was chosen because the primary Ixian platforms are x86-based and this choice slightly improves network performance.

For example, the 4-byte integer value 0x10203040 is encoded in the network data stream as a sequence of four bytes like this:

n   : 0x40
n+1 : 0x30
n+2 : 0x20
n+3 : 0x10

Byte arrays are sent byte-by-byte and their ordering does not change, for example: Byte data: [ 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04 ]

n   : 0x01
n+1 : 0x02
n+2 : 0x03
n+3 : 0x04

Ixian Network Messages

All Ixian messages follow the same overall structure with the following fields:

Field name Data Type Description
Start Byte byte A constant byte value which signifies message start. For Ixian this is always ‘X’ (0x58)
Message Code int Type of the network message. See a list of message codes below for possible values.
Data Length int Length of the attached data field. Depends on Message Code and message contents.
Data Checksum byte[32] A sha512sqTrunc checksum of the data field.
Header Checksum byte A custom XOR-based checksum for sanity checking the header structure. See Header Checksum for details.
Header End Byte byte A constant byte value which signifies header end. For Ixian, this is always ‘I’ (0x49).
Data byte[] A variable-sized data block which contains a message specific to the provided Message Code. See the list of message codes for possible formats.

Header Checksum

Header checksum is calculated as follows:

  1. Start with the byte value 0x7F: sum = 0x07F
  2. Loop through each byte of the header and calculate sum = sum ^ header_byte
  3. Return the final sum value.

The symbol ^ denotes an XOR operation on a single byte.

Ixian Messge Codes

Currently valid Ixian Message Codes are as follows:

Name Value Structure Description
hello 0 Hello This message type is used to initiate communication with another Ixian Node and contains basic identification data
helloData 1 Extended Hello This message type is used as a reply to the hello message with additional DLT-related data.
bye 2 Bye This message should be sent before terminating a connection to another Ixian Node or a client. It contains the reason code for why the connection is being dropped as well as a short, human-readable explanation.
getBlock 3 Get Block This message is used to request data for a particular block.
blockData 4 Block Data This message is sent as a reply to getBlock with the requested block details.
getTransaction 9 Get Transaction This message is used to request data for a particular transaction.
transactionData 10 Transaction Data Used as a reply to getTransaction with the requested transaction details.
syncWalletState 13 Sync Wallet State Used to request WalletState synchronization from a neighbor node.
walletState 14 Wallet State Used to confirm WalletState synchronization as a reply to syncWalletState and to include the most important metadata for the WalletState.
newTransaction 16 Transaction Data Used to notify a neighboring DLT Node or Client that a new (interesting) transaction has arrived.
newBlock 17 Block Data Used to notify a neighboring DLT Node that a new block has been generated or accepted.
getWalletStateChunk 20 Get WalletState Chunk Used to request a piece of the WalletState. This is only valid if WalletState synchronization has been established before by the message pair syncWalletState, walletState.
walletStateChunk 21 WalletState Chunk Contains a piece of the WalletState as requested by getWalletStateChunk.
getPresenceList 22 Get Presence List Used to request synchronization of the Presence List.
presenceList 23 Presence List Used to transmit the presence list as requested by getPresenceList.
updatePresence 24 Update Presence Sends an updated Presence to a neighbor DLT Node or a Client.
s2data 26 S2 Data Used to transmit a piece of data between S2 Relay Nodes. Currently unused.
s2failed 27 S2 Failed Signifies that an S2 data transmission was invalid or encountered a problem. Currently unused.
s2signature 28 S2 Signature Currently unused.
getBalance 32 Get Balance Used to request balance for a specified Wallet. Primarily intended for Client -> DLT Node communication.
balance 33 Balance Response to getBalance.
keepAlivePresence 34 Keep Alive Presence Used to broadcast a Node or a Client’s status to the network in order to update Presence Lists.
getPresence 35 Get Presence Requests presence information for a specified Address.
getBlockTransactions 36 Get Block Transactions Requests transaction for the specified Block.
transactionsChunk 37 Transactions Chunk Response to getBlockTransactions - can be sent multiple times if all Transactions do not fit into a single message.
getUnappliedTransactions 38 Get Unapplied Transactions Requests all Transactions from the recipient DLT Node which have not yet been applied on the blockchain.
extend 39 Extend Currently unused.
attachEvent 40 Attach Event Sent by Clients to a DLT or S2 Node in order to subscribe to an event (start receiving messages when the specified event occurs).
detachEvent 41 Detach Event Sent by Clients to a DLT or S2 Node in order to unsubscribe from an event (stop receiving messages related to the specified event).
newBlockSignature 42 New Block Signature Informs a neighbor DLT Node that the specified Block has an additional signature.
getBlockSignatures 43 Get Block Signatures Requests all signatures for the specified Block.
blockSignatures 44 Block Signatures Response to getBlockSignatures, containing all signatures for the specified Block.
getNextSuperBlock 45 Get Next Superblock Requests the next Superblock in the chain based on a Block checksum.
getBlockHeaders 46 Get Block Headers Requests partial Block information (Block Headers only) from a DLT Node. Used primarily by client nodes in the TIV (Transaction Inclusion Verification) process.
blockHeaders 47 Block Headers Response to getBlockHeaders.
getRandomPresences 48 Get Random Presences Requests a number of random Presences of the specified type. Used primarily by Clients when choosing new Nodes to connect to.

Message Data


Response to: nothing

Responses: [Extended Hello](/tech_docs/protocol.html#extended-hello)


Name Type Description
Protocol Version int Version of the network protocol.
Address Length int Length of the subsequent Address field.
Address byte[] Public address of the sender.
Is Test Net? bool Indicator whether this communication is intended for the Ixian Testnet. Mainnet messages must not be processed in the Testnet or vice-versa!
Node Type byte Type of the sending node. Possible values: ‘C’ (Client), ‘R’ (Relay), ‘M’ (Master), ‘H’ (Master-Full history).
Product Version string Version text of the sender.
Device ID string Unique identifier of the sending device.
Pubkey Length int Length of the subsequent Public Key field.
Pubkey byte[] Public Key of the sender.
Public Port int TCP Port number on which the sender is reachable. (Ignored for Clients which are connecting through a Relay Node.)
Timestamp long Current timestamp as a number of 100-nanosecond intervals since 1971-01-01.
Signature Length int Length of the subsequent Signature field.
Signature byte[] Signature (see below).
Challenge Length int Length of the subsequent Challenge field.
Challenge byte[] Random data field which the receiver must successfully sign in order to verify that they own the public key they send in the reply.


The Hello signature is created by concatenating some known pieces of data, then signing the resulting data field with the sender’s private key, thus proving that the provided public key really does belong to the sender. The signature data is a string, constructed as follows:

“Ixian---" Where:

Extended Hello

Response to: hello

Responses: nothing


Name Type Description
Protocol Version int Version of the network protocol.
Address Length int Length of the subsequent Address field.
Address byte[] Public address of the sender.
Is Test Net? bool Indicator whether this communication is intended for the Ixian Testnet. Mainnet messages must not be processed in the Testnet or vice-versa!
Node Type byte Type of the sending node. Possible values: ‘C’ (Client), ‘R’ (Relay), ‘M’ (Master), ‘H’ (Master-Full history).
Product Version string Version text of the sender.
Device ID string Unique identifier of the sending device.
Pubkey Length int Length of the subsequent Public Key field.
Pubkey byte[] Public Key of the sender.
Public Port int TCP Port number on which the sender is reachable. (Ignored for Clients which are connecting through a Relay Node.)
Timestamp long Current timestamp as a number of 100-nanosecond intervals since 1971-01-01.
Signature Length int Length of the subsequent Signature field.
Signature byte[] Signature (see below).
Latest Block Height ulong Number of the most recently accepted Block.
Latest Block Checksum Length int Length of the subsequent Block checksum field.
Latest Block Cehcksum byte[] Most recently accepted Block checksum.
WalletState Checksum Length int Length of the subsequent WalletState checksum field.
WalletSTate Checksum byte[] Checksum of the WalletState which corresponds to the most recently accepted Block.
RESERVED int Always 0 - reserved for future use.
Block Version int Currently active Block Version.
RESERVED ulong Always 0 - reserved for future use.
Challenge Response Length int Length of the subsequent Challenge Response field.
Challenge Response byte[] Response to the challenge from the hello message. See below.

Challenge Response

The challenge response is simply a signature for the Challenge field provided in the corresponding hello message. The Signature must be calculated with the sending node’s private key, which matches the reported Public Key in the helloData message.


Response to: nothing

Responses: nothing


Name Type Description
Bye Code int Reason for the connection being terminated.
Message string User-friendly message which further explains the reason for disconnect.
Additional Data string Other, data, dependant on the Bye Code.

Bye Codes

Name Value Description Bye Data
blockInvalidChecksum 100 A Block was sent with an incorrect checksum. Additional user-friendly details.
blockInvalidForked 101 A Block which was sent is suspected to be from a forked chain. Additional user-friendly details.
blockInvalidNoConsensus 102 A Block was sent without sufficient consensus signatures. Additional user-friendly details.
bye 200 Unspecified disconnection reason. None.
expectingMaster 400 A Master Node was expected. Additional user-friendly details.
forked 500 The sending node suspects it is on a forked network. Additional user-friendly details.
deprecated 501 A deprecated protocol was used which is not supported. Additional user-friendly details.
incorrectNetworkType 502 The connecting node is on a different network (TestNet vs. MainNet). Additional user-friendly details.
insufficientFunds 599 The connecting Master Node does not have sufficient funds int he wallet to participate in consensus. None.
incorrectIp 600 The IP address specified in the Hello message was invalid. (Not a public IP address.) IP Address as seen by the remote node. Can be used to update local node’s public IP address.
notConnectable 601 The IP address specified in the Hello message was not reachable for a connection test. None.
tooFarBehind 602 The connecting node has fallen too far behind on the blockchain. Additional user-friendly details.
authFailed 603 The authentication value does not match the connecting node’s address. Additional user-friendly details.
addressMismatch 604 The remote node’s address does not match the known address for that node. Additional user-friendly details.

Get Block

Response to: nothing

Responses: [Block Data](/tech_docs/protocol.html#block-data)


Name Type Description
Block Number ulong Number of the requested Block.
Include Transactions byte Whether the response should contain transaction data as well. See Include Transaction values below.
Full Header bool(optional) Whether to send full or abbreviated Block Header.

Include Transaction Values

Value Description
1 Omit Staking transactions, but send all user transactions.
2 Send all user and Staking transactions.

Block Data

Response to: [Get Block](get-block]

Responses: nothing

This message contains raw Block bytes, as accepted by the Block(byte[] from_bytes) constructor.

Get Transaction

Response to: nothing

Responses: [Transaction Data](/tech_docs/protocol.html#transaction-data)


Name Type Description
Transaction ID string ID of the required transaction.
Block Number ulong number of the block where the transaction was accepted. May be 0, in which case all blocks in the Node’s current Redacted Window will be searched for the transaction id.

Transaction Data

Response to: [Get Transaction](get-transaction]

Responses: nothing

This message contains raw Transaction bytes, as accepted by the Transaction(byte[] from_bytes) constructor.

Sync Wallet State

Response to: nothing

Responses: [Wallet State](/tech_docs/protocol.html#wallet-state)

This message has no fields.

Note: This Protocol Message is deprecated and will no longer be used.

Wallet State

Response to: [Sync Wallet State](sync-wallet-state]

Responses: nothing


Name Type Description
Version int Version of the WalletState the sending Node is using.
Block Height ulong Current Block height at the start of the sync operation.
Count long Number of Wallets in the Wallet state at the start of the sync operation.

Note: This Protocol Message is deprecated and will no longer be used.

Get WalletState Chunk

Response to: nothing

Responses: [WalletState Chunk](/tech_docs/protocol.html#walletstate-chunk)


Name Type Description
Chunk Number int Number of the requested WalletState Chunk.

Note: This Protocol Message is deprecated and will no longer be used.

WalletState Chunk

Response to: [Get WalletState Chunk](/tech_docs/protocol.html#get-walletstate-chunk)

Responses: nothing


Name Type Description
Block Number ulong Current Block height - at the time of sending this WalletState chunk.
Chunk Number int Number of the WalletState Chunk.
Num Wallets int Number of Wallets in this chunk.
Wallets WalletData Data for each particular Wallet.

Note: This Protocol Message is deprecated and will no longer be used.

Get Presence List

Response to: nothing

Responses: [Presence List](/tech_docs/protocol.html#presence-list)

This message has no fields.

Presence List

Response to: [Get Presence List](/tech_docs/protocol.html#get-presence-list)

Responses: nothing

This message contains raw PresenceList bytes, as accepted by the PresenceList.syncFromBytes(byte[] bytes) function.

Update Presence

Response to: [Get Random Presences](/tech_docs/protocol.html#get-random-presences), [Get Presence](/tech_docs/protocol.html#get-presence))

Responses: nothing

This message contains raw Presence bytes, as accepted by the PresenceList.updateFromBytes(byte[] bytes) function.

Note: Multiple chunks of data may arrive - the PresenceListupdateFromBytes will handle it automatically.

Get Balance

Response to: nothing

Responses: [Balance](/tech_docs/protocol.html#balance)


Name Type Description
Address Length int Length of the subsequent Address field.
Address byte[] Wallet address for which the balance should be retrieved.


Response to: [Get Balance](/tech_docs/protocol.html#get-balance)

Responses: nothing


Name Type Description
Address Length int Length of the subsequent Address field.
Address byte[] Wallet address for which the balance should be retrieved.
Balance string Balance encoded as a decimal number in string format.
Last Block Number ulong Current Block Height at the time of sending this balance information.

Keep Alive Presence

Response to: nothing

Responses: nothing

This message contains raw KeepAlive data as accepted by the PresenceList.receiveKeepAlive(byte[] bytes) function.

Get Presence

Response to: nothing

Responses: [Update Presence](/tech_docs/protocol.html#update-balance)


Name Type Description
Address Length int Length of the subsequent Address field.
Address byte[] Wallet address for which the balance should be retrieved.

Get Block Transactions

Response to: nothing

Responses: [Transactions Chunk](/tech_docs/protocol.html#transactions-chunk)


Name Type Description
Block Number ulong Block for which transactions are requested.
Request All Transactions bool If true, both user and staking transactions are requested, otherwise only user transactions should be returned.

Transactions Chunk

Response to: [Get Block Transactions](/tech_docs/protocol.html#get-block-transactions)

Responses: nothing


Name Type Description
Transactions TransactionRecord[] A set of transactions, packed so it can be sent over the network.

Transaction Record

A transaction record consists of the following fields:

Name Type Description
Transaction Length int Length of the subsequent transaction data.
Transaction Bytes Transaction Raw byte data, as accepted by the Transaction(byte[] from_bytes) constructor.

Get Unapplied Transactions

Response to: nothing

Responses: [Transactions Chunk](/tech_docs/protocol.html#transactions-chunk)

This message has no data.

Attach Event

Response to: nothing

Responses: nothing


Name Type Description
Type int Event Type code.
Address Length int Length of the subsequent Address field.
Address byte[] Wallet address for which the events of type Type should be sent.

Detach Event

Response to: nothing

Responses: nothing


Name Type Description
Type int Event Type code. If the code is -1, then all registered events for this client are unsubscribed.
Address Length int Length of the subsequent Address field. If 0, all registered events for this client are unsubscribed.
Address byte[] Wallet address for which the events of type Type should no longer be sent.

New Block Signature

Response to: nothing

Responses: nothing


Name Type Description
Block Number ulong Height of the block for which there is a new signature.
Checksum Length int Length of the subsequent Checksum field.
Checksum byte[] Block Checksum for the Block at height Block Number.
Signature Length int Length of the subsequent Signature field.
Signature byte[] New signature for the block at height Block Number.

Get Block Signatures

Response to: nothing

Responses: [Block Signatures](/tech_docs/protocol.html#block-signatures)


Name Type Description
Block Number ulong Height of the block for which signatures are requested.
Checksum Length int Length of the subsequent Checksum field.
Checksum byte[] Block Checksum for the Block at height Block Number.

Block Signatures

Response to: nothing

Responses: [Get Block Signatures](/tech_docs/protocol.html#get-block-signatures)


Name Type Description
Block Number ulong Height of the block for which signatures are valid.
Checksum Length int Length of the subsequent Checksum field.
Checksum byte[] Block Checksum for the Block at height Block Number.
Signature Count int Number of signatures in this message.
Signatures Signature[] A list of signatures.

Signature structure

Name Type Description
Signature Length int Length of the subsequent Signature field.
Signature byte[] Signature data.
Address Length int Length of the subsequent Address field.
Address byte[] Wallet Address which provided the above signature.

Get Next Superblock

Response to: nothing

Responses: [Block Data](/tech_docs/protocol.html#block-data)


Name Type Description
Include Segments ulong Most recent Block Height for which the sender is willing to accept a Superblock, or 0 for no limitation.
Full Header bool Whether to send a full or an abbreviated header.
Checksum Length int Length of the subsequent Checksum field.
Checksum byte[] A Checksum for one of the blocks in the segment leading up to the requested Superblock.

Get Block Headers

Response to: nothing

Responses: [Block Headers](/tech_docs/protocol.html#block-headers)


Name Type Description
From ulong Lower bound Block Height.
To ulong Upper bound Block Height.

Block Headers

Response to: [Get Block Headers](/tech_docs/protocol.html#get-block-headers)

Responses: nothing


Name Type Description
Count ulong Number of Block Headers in the message.
BlockHeaders BlockHeader[] Block header data.

Block Header

Name Type Description
Header Length int Length of the subsequent BlockHeader.
Header byte[] Raw bytes as accepted by the BlockHeader(byte[] from_bytes) constructor.

Get Random Presences

Response to: nothing

Responses: [Update Presence](/tech_docs/protocol.html#update-presence)


Name Type Description
Type char Node type for the requested Presences.

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